M.A., Masters in Art, May 1990, Miami University, Oxford, OH.ī.F.A., Art and Education, June 1985, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.Ģ017 Mappings II: Human and Natural, Mixed-media on canvas, Ohio University Chillicothe, Chillicothe, OH.Ģ009 23 Mappings: Human and Natural, Digital Paintings, Installation, Acrylic Paintings on canvas, University of RioGrande, Rio Grande, OH.Ģ006 Imaginary Flight over Okinawa, Digital Painting, SIGGRAPH 2006 Juried International Exhibition, Boston, MA.Ģ016 REDUX 2015 – A Rogue Visits the Gulf Coast, Mixed-Media Painting, Inspiration Foundations: Exhibition, Len G.
M.F.A., Computer Art and New Media, June 2009, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA.